Can’t Stop the Serenity

I don’t know how many (if any) of you have heard about this amazing event. This is a charity event where nerds and Browncoats alike gather together to celebrate the short-lived TV series Firefly but watching its movie spin-off, Serenity. Best of all, the proceeds from this gathering of Browncoats go to charity, usually Equality Now

All I’m going to say, is that if you have a chance to attend one of these events (they happen GLOBALLY, usually between June and September) then definitely do it. Every event is different, some events only show the movie, others show a short (like Dr. Horrible or something else Whedon related), and some go all out. In my city, Salt Lake City, we were lucky enough to have a raffle, costume contest, and an auction as well as watch Serenity on the big screen.

Here is what I realized while watching Serenity on the big screen:

  • This cast was dedicated. If you ever have a chance to watch ANY Firefly panels from ANY convention do it (seriously, just look it up on YouTube. It’s amazing.)
  • You notice a lot more small details when watching it in a theater.
  • No matter how many times you see it, Wash’s death will make you cry. For me, I break down when Zoe says “He a’int comin'” *tear*.
  • For a freshman effort, Joss does an amazing job directing a movie. Movies and TV shows should always be directed differently.
  • The more I watch Summer Glau as River, the more I’m impressed with how she played the character.
  • The storylines seem to hit harder when you’re watching the movie with a bunch of people who love the series as much as you.

In addition to hanging out with a bunch of Browncoats and watching an excellent movie, certain cities give away swag to the first 100 people to buy tickets. I was one of the lucky swag winners and came home with a few buttons, some comic books, a poster for the fan made movie “Done the Impossible” (which I now need to see), and feeling of friendship from the fellow Browncoats.

If a Can’t Stop the Serenity event is in your area, GO. You won’t regret it.

One thought on “Can’t Stop the Serenity

  1. So, I actually saw Serenity on the big screen when it first came out. I’d never seen Firefly, didn’t even know what it was. I just liked the Sailor Moon reference. True story.

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